A look at Google Earth shows that solar panels are becoming quite common on Henbury Hill's south facing rooves. The technology is well established and there is lots of competion in the installer-market meaning proces are competative. But perhaps solar-thermal systems (where the sun heats domestic hot water) are less common. If you would like to discuss the experiences that people on Henbury Hill have had with solar power, please contact:
Photovoltaic panels (electricity)
- Nick Terry: nbterry1@gmail.com. Nicks' solar panels help fuel his electric car and supply electricity to the rest of his house often creating a surplus except for periods of peak demand. Nick is happy to share his experiences.
- Ivan: tek@tekwani.co.uk. Ivan has had solar panels installed for some time, and will send you more information about them and other work he has done to the house if you contact him during November.
Solar thermal (hot water)
- Gill Howse: Gillhowse@hotmail.com. Gill has had both solar thermal and photovoltaic panels fitted for some time. She is also happy to discuss her experiences with cavity wall insulation and extenal wall insulation
- Rob has both solar thermal and photovoltaic panels and is happy to talk to you about them: vo2max@hotmail.co.uk